Do girls internalise the need for obedience and perfectionism a lot more than boys? Research indicates this does happen while messaging might be same for boys and girls.
As I reflect back on my own life, I would say – yes! These traits were socialised and patronised across cultures such that self worth is equated to perfectionism. The story of a “good girl” is one who listens to everyone versus one who asks questions. If we would like change the number of women in workforce and in leadership positions, one needs to start changing the narrative and teach real life skills.
One such skill that I learned and honed is ‘practising #courage‘. It was required as a single women starting a job in a new city, a traveller overseas, or only women in a client pitch, board presentation, late night go live meeting at a client site. Speaking your mind, standing up for self and others, choosing your battles, offering support for larger cause, choosing to be real rather than picture perfect – all require #courage.
Which skill do you think you had learned at school that could benefit you at workplace? Would love to hear your views.